Event Name Locations Participants
All Day
End of second quarter and first semester (6-12)    
College Visits UAHS College Center Conference Room (BIG)
UAHS College Center Conference Room (small)
UAHS Class of 2020
UAHS Class of 2021
End of 2nd Grading Period, Semester 1 Jones Middle School Jones Middle School Parents
Jones Middle School Faculty
12:00 am
6:30 am
7:00 am
UA Rise (0-1st periods) UAHS Map Conference Room UA Rise Cafe
7:30 am  
8:00 am  
8:05 am
8th Period Exam Upper Arlington High School UAHS Student Body
8:30 am  
9:00 am
Teaching and Learning Department Meeting Graf Center, 1st Floor Conference Room B Chief Academic Officer
9:30 am  
10:00 am  
10:10 am
6th Period Exam Upper Arlington High School UAHS Student Body
10:30 am  
10:33 am
UA Rise (4th-6th periods) UAHS Map Conference Room UA Rise Cafe
11:00 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm  
12:05 pm
Lunch Upper Arlington High School UAHS Student Body
12:30 pm  
1:00 pm  
1:10 pm
Make Up Exams Upper Arlington High School UAHS Student Body
1:30 pm  
2:00 pm
JMS Athletics Jones Gymnasium Jones Middle School Faculty
2:30 pm  
3:00 pm
HMS Athletics Hastings Gymnasium Hastings Middle School Faculty
3:30 pm
Ski Club Jones Middle School Jones Middle School Student Body
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
Basketball -UAPR - Little Dribblers Windermere Gymnasium UA Parks & Recreation
UAHS Regular Season Boys/Girls Basketball Practice Tremont Gymnasium UAHS Athletics
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
GBBC Tremont Gymnasium Tim Casey Golden Bear Basketball Camp
8:30 pm
11:30 pm